Unreal 4 blueprint pro tutorials
Unreal 4 blueprint pro tutorials

Now, we will add a Box Collision Component, which will fire off an event whenever something overlaps it. With the Cube component selected, change the Scale to (X: 1.0, Y: 1.0, Z: 0.1) In the Details panel, click the Add Component button, then select Cube under Common.Ĭlick and drag the newly added Cube to the DefaultSceneRoot to make the Cube the new root. Go ahead and click in the box to enter a new name, like LaunchPad.

unreal 4 blueprint pro tutorials

At the top of the Details panel, you can rename it. Now that you have the Actor selected in the level, its properties are visible in the Details panel. In the Place Actors panel, click on Basic, then find the Empty Actor.ĭrag it into the level so that it is sitting on one of the top platforms. In the Main Toolbar, press the Modes button, and from the dropdown click on Select to display the Place Actors panel. The two parts (or Components) you will need are a shape to represent the launchpad, and a trigger for when the character overlaps it. We are going to create the container to hold all the parts of our launchpad by using the Empty Actor. In the Level Editor, you will build a launchpad, then convert it to a Blueprint Class so you can add your gameplay behavior to it.įirst, move around in the viewport until you are looking at the top platforms in the level.

unreal 4 blueprint pro tutorials

You should now be ready to jump into and start adding to the side-scroller level that appears. Name your project, then create it by clicking the Create Project button. If you are unsure of what settings are right for you, you can find more information in the Project Settings section.

Unreal 4 blueprint pro tutorials